Video from tromeo and juliet
Video from tromeo and juliet

video from tromeo and juliet

video from tromeo and juliet

Oan : I'm just struggling to figure out why we needed a shot of a guy slowly unglueing rubber ears from a guy's head. Let's see: Monty Que? Cappy Capulet? Tyrone? Murray? Ness? Do nurses not exist in this universe? S-h-h-haa-a-a-a-kespe-e-e-e-eaare.ĬS : And they do so by changing everyone's names to make them sound less Elizabethan. Oan: And in conclusion, Tromeo and Juliet is yet another attempt by the masses to turn Shakespe-ah into. Kaufman's Tromeo can be seen as the grindhouse's response to mainstream Hollywood's literary ambitions. There was "Henry IV" with rent boys, a fascist Richard III, Taming of the Shrew in high school, Hamlet with lions, and Romeo and Juliet with seizures, all part of a movement to cash in and popularize the Stratfordian's plays. Oan : After the great success of Kenneth Branagh's 1989 Henry V, and the popularity of the Franco Zeffrelli/ Mel Gibson Hamlet, the 1990's saw a big new wave of hip and middle-brow adaptations of The Bard's plays, often taking them to new and exiting territory. "Contextualize" this shlocky Troma film, Bard Boy. Oan : Well actually, it's a visualization of how folios traditionally started with the list of the drama-ĬS: You gonna be this pedantic about Shakespeare through this whole thing?ĬS: Alright, alright, just get it all out of your system. Oan : I think we're to assume that in this universe, metal bands each have their own fiefdoms.ĬS : The cast is introduced to us in seventies sitcom style giving us their names and their relations. Lemmy: Two households, different as dried plums and pears, in fair Manhattan where we lay our scene.ĬS : Wait, that's Lemmy from Motorhead. So, maybe I can get Ass Ponys to do the soundtrack for Hamlet.ĬS : The film starts with a moving public domain song and Tahh-ah! They killed Sandy Cheeks. Manic rock and roll with Motorhead and Ass Ponys.

video from tromeo and juliet

The have a point there, I'll be interested in seeing that. Kenneth Branagh: Body piercing, kinky sex, dismemberment, the things that make Shakespeare great. Oddly enough, that was the same year we were graced with Kenneth Branagh's epic version of Hamlet.ĬS: I can only wonder what Kenneth Branagh had to say about this far lesser Shakespeare adaptation. Tromeo was released in 1996 to generally favorable, if not tolerant, reviews. This literary corpse desecration was the result of a script by Slither 's James Gunn, with the revision by director and Troma founder, Lloyd Kaufman. by making their films cheaper than oxygen.ĬS : Don't interrupt me, newbie.

#Video from tromeo and juliet movie#

You crazy kids knock yourselves out.ĬS: Tromeo and Juliet? Tromeo and Juliet? You're telling me that the people who crapped out "Curse of the Cannibal Confederates" made a Shakespeare adaptation because of a really stupid pun?ĬS: As if Shakespeare hasn't been mishandled enough, you're going to wrestle the greatest love story of all time into a giant mashup of gore and tits.ĬS : For those of you fortunate enough to have never watched the breed of film that I am often subjected to, Troma Entertainment is an exploitation movie company that stayed afloat since 1974. Linkara: I don't know, everyone, they, do something together. Linkara: Hey, you two, everyone loves crossovers and they all want you to do one together. And the more distance between us, the better.ĬS: Oh, come off it. lovely voice.ĬS: Look, if this is about what I think it's about. You're plenty pretentious, and bearded and dark-haired, and suited and you're known for having a very.

video from tromeo and juliet

Oan: Look, as flattered as I am that you're familiar enough with my work to hate it - Frankly, I don't want to be seen with you.ĬS: What the hell, am I not pretentious enough for you? ĬS: Also, you're a pussy for taking down that Sasha Grey video. Oan: While still fairly derivative of Tarkovsky, but still. It is a piece of such depth and humor that deserves none of your petty, baseless slander. Oan: Well, I guess I got carried away there.ĬS: I know that it's difficult film to read, but Gerry moved me to tears with its vision of two guys walking in a desert for ninety minutes. Oan: Um, yes, so I've inferred.ĬS: And I just have to say, how DARE you! How DARE you! How dare you threaten the good people of Serbia for making such a courageous political satire as A Serbian Film. You and I have something we need to talk about. Oan: "Chapter Five, Pre-Production: A Key to Your Future Therapy."ĬS: Listen, I'm going to have to call you back. Oan: "Chapter Four, Get Your Women Naked and other Valuable Casting Tips."ĬS: Listen, I can't act if I feel like I have somebody's pubes glued to my face. Cinema Snob: The hell do you mean my beard isn't thick enough? What? You want me to wear a prosthetic beard?

Video from tromeo and juliet